Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year Wish

A New Year is dawning with promise abound

An era's beginning with much to be found

A time for renewal, reflection, and change

Where our sacred dreams are, at last, in range

No longer shall we dwell on days now bygone

From this hour forward, our hearts shall be strong

We will face the morning with stars in our eyes

Grateful for a New Year of wealth and surprise.

Through burdens and hardships, we've battled and won

To now find ourselves at the New Year begun

Away from the sorrow that time has removed

And ready to embrace the future improved

Our souls remain steadfast, our smiles remain bright

As we greet the New Year of glory with might

Regardless of the paths which led us to now

We stand here, united, with hope on our brow.

A New Year has beckoned and long may she roam

To bring us the blessing and solace of home

The foods on our table, so plenty and grand

And riches held dearly in each heart and hand

May your joys outnumber the days you feel lost

May your wishes be on angels' wings embossed

So, your only struggles are those you forget

Leading 2009 to be your best year, yet!

We wish you all a magical Festive Season filled with Loving Wishes and Beautiful Thoughts.

May this 2009 mark the beginning of a Tidal Wave of Love, Happiness and Bright Futures.

It's like a new Sunrise...

of Hope, of Prosperity, of Happiness

It's like a new Beginning...

of Thoughts, of Words, or Actions

It's like a new Day...

of Energy, of Strength, of Ideas

It's like a bunch of whole new things...

of Prayers, of Friends, and of Love.

It's new year


Never stop caring about the little things in life,

Never stop dreaming or give in to strife.

Never stop building bridges that lead to promising tomorrows,

Never stop trying or give in to sorrows.

Never stop smiling and looking forward to each new day,

Never stop shining in your own special way.

Never forget that all storms can clear.

The grayest sky can turn pure blue.

Remember, brighter tomorrows are near…

All the Best Wishes,

WYD Team

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