Soon after the Satyam story, the next one to be hit was the announcement of World Bank decision to debar Wipro and Megasoft from directly doing business with the bank group under its corporate procurement programme.
By this time, I think most of you would have forgotten the news about six prominent IT companies in the Bangalore city, including Infosys and Wipro, have received e-mails threatening to blow up their buildings in Bangalore on Sunday (1/4/2009 ). Immediately the security had been tightened at all the Information Technology companies which received the threats. But a cold attack on the IT industry has happened, exceeding our expectations.
Now think my dear fellow IT professionals, don’t you feel that something is being planned to attack the economy of our Motherland, India. Come on, think we are not just here to code, at least we should be able to stand united against the planned attack on IT Industry. It is truly a terror attack on our IT glory that we have. Please do realize that it is the Brand India that is being adversely affected. It not just a blow for the Satyamites but for all Indian IT professionals.
Remember IT is not a kid’s play. This New Year is dedicated to all those who dare to live in the IT World.

i agree to priya's comment. i never thought of such a foul play behind these unfortunate wevents.
its not satyam,even the american comanies are also doing this frauds.however, its projected to be indian companies problem. this is another way of destroying indian economy.our government has to fight back and restore the good face of indian IT industry.
I fully agree to Priya's thoughts..
The 3 other top IT Giants celebrate the downfall of Satyam, Reduction in the demand for satyam shares.
but beware that entire IT sector is going to face a tough time filled with official auditings...
It makes clear that not only one Satyam, but It sector, thousands of employees, their families, corporate personalities, and....ultimately our Nation which drives massive support from corporate revenue is gonna suffer..........................
good Priya....great initiative....
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