Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Missing Element

I still remember my first manager’s personal session, when I was hardly attaining the assignment milestones.

When he called me to the cabin, I thought that’s the end of my job. He is known for his short tempered nature and so reluctant towards under performers.
The things happened on the other way around. He was so calm and cool and told me to take my seat and sit comfortably. I wondered whether he has gone mad.
But he was so calm and pleasant while he asked me why am not performing at my best. I told him that am trying my best but am not able to concentrate in those daily boring activity, my work.

He then asked me about hobbies. I told him all my hobbies ranging from watching movies, computer games, sleeping, listening to music and even why I like those activities.

He asked me, “Still you are not getting bored out of your hobbies right”.
I said, “No. never”.

He continued, “That’s what I need from your job too. Frankly speaking you don’t have the passion towards your job. If you lose that basic element, you cannot be successful in whatever you do. In Life never do anything without loving to do it. All I wanted you is to think about it and change your mindset towards life. I believe you are getting me. “

“Yes sir”, I replied.

What more to say, his session worked.

I always remember his session, which gave me a new insight about the word Passion. It’s now working with me as my Mantra.

Try this Mantra out. If you are assigned with a job, generate a passion towards it. Get obsessed with it. Think of the result when you get it done.
It will really make a difference in your life.

Sanjay Nair

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