Friday, December 12, 2008

Thinking big and something different

I am a person who has realized the power of thinking big and different. Sometimes you have to break your head out to get an idea to go forward. With that joy and pride when you narrate your idea to someone else, you might get disappointed due to negative response from that person.

When I explained my idea to start WYD website, the ignorance I experienced was unexpected. Some said its wasting of time, others thought its not going to be of any use at all.

What I did in that situation was changing the mind set. When I read some articles I stored it in WYD , which eventually became a library for others to read and express.

I personally know many people reading through my website, their favorite articles. How come they could find their favourites in my website ?

Because my interest is similar to theirs.

Don't ever go down by others criticism. Prove that you are the best.


WYD Team

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